Gear Pump for Resin NYP Model:NYP0.78 NYP2.3 NYP3.6 NYP7.0 NYP3 NYP24 NYP52 NYP10 NYP80 NYP111 NYP160 NYP220 NYP320 NYP650 NYP727 NYP1670.
Gear Pump for Resin NYP Model Application:
Proper medium temperature: -10 centrigrade~200 centrigrade.
Proper medium viscosity: 1.0cSt~300, 000cSt Flow:0.5m3/h-160m3/h
(1)Work principle
Driving gear (outside rotor)with internal tooth drives the internal rotor and turns in same direction in the full closed pump body.The inlet from the outlet.When it turns,negative pressure formed at the suction port,the liquid inlet and being take to the outlet by rotor,then the liquid is impelled from the discharge port and the gears mesh.The transportation of liquid finished.
(2)Structure Feature
The pumps are mainly composed of internal rotor,outside rotor,shaft,pump casing,front cover,seal,bearing etc.
The pump’seal adopts packing seal or mechanical seal.When the delivered medium is high temperature,high viscosity or strong corrosion,packing seal should be adopted.
Gear Pump for Resin NYP Model With Jacket:
When the delivered medium is easy crystallinic ,we can designthe heat preservation jacket in pump casing and front cover in order to melt the medium with steam wen working.The pump can be also fitted with the safty valve.
Gear pump set is composed of the pump,motor and baseplate.
The driving way is belt wheel driving or coupling driving.